FAQ & Help

MBCC is for men, women and couples, 14 years and older, who are looking for help as they seek to address life's challenges.

FAQs & Contact

We have provided answers to some of our most popular questions.

Contact us to take your next step. We will send you additional information about counseling and follow up with you about scheduling.

    1. Request a counseling packet by clicking on the “Get Started” tab.

    2. You will be sent an e-mail providing you with important information about MBCC and a link to a secure on-line MBCC Counseling Application.

    3. Complete the counseling application and click “Submit”.

    4. The MBCC Counseling Director will contact you by e-mail to let you know when you can expect to begin counseling.

  • MBCC approaches counseling with the strong belief that there is no better counseling tool than God’s Word. Nothing else comes close. We believe that the God who made us, loves us, and wants what is best for us has given His Word to teach us how to live in this world in a way that really works. Based on this strong belief, the foundation of all of our counsel is the word of God.

    As an ACBC Training Center, MBCC holds to the Standards of Conduct and Standards of Doctrine of the Association of Biblical Counselors.

  • All MBCC counselors are certified by the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) or are in the process of becoming certified. Recently MBCC became an ACBC Certified Training Center, allowing us to train counselors right here in Michiana.

  • Effective February 1, our standard rate for counseling sessions will be $60 per session. Our affordable rates are made possible by the generous donations of MBCC financial supporters. Discounted rates are available to those who attend an MBCC Partner Church. See a list of our partner churches.

  • We do not accept insurance of any kind. This allows us to keep counseling rates low and freely counsel with a focus on the Word of God.

  • Most counseling is in-person. MBCC offers ZOOM counseling sessions in circumstances where in-person meetings are not possible.

  • MBCC does not counsel children under the age of 14, but chooses to focus instead on counseling the parents of those children. In cases where a child needs the direct care of a counselor, we seek to refer parents to counselors in the area with whom we have developed a close relationship.

Additional Resources

The following links are provided as a resource for you. Please note that these links are external to our website and we are not responsible for the content on those sites.

  • This site run by Brad Hambrick provides an abundance of very helpful videos and counseling resources. It also provides numerous links to other helpful resources.

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  • ACBC is the certification organization that MBCC has adopted for the certification of all of its counselors. A number of helpful features are found on this website, including a “Find a Counselor” feature that allows you to locate ACBC counselors by zip code.

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  • MBCC has a great relationship with this counseling center. You can find some very helpful counseling resources on this site.

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  • On BCC’s site you will find books, resources, podcasts for the biblical counselor. BCC also has a “Find a Counselor” feature to help you locate counselors by zip code.

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  • Biblical Counseling for Women is a very helpful site where you will find helpful blogs, articles and resources for the counselor and for the person needing counsel. Julie Ganschow is the head of this ministry.

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  • CCEF's mission is to equip the church to be a transforming community. They see themselves as an extension of the local church, and seek to serve and promote its ministry. and seek to equip Christians to live, love and counsel well. CCEF offers quality resources, relevant journal articles, impactful videos and effective counselor training.

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  • A great place to find elpful blogs, book and mini-books, free counseling resources, sermons and articles.

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  • Faith Church in Lafayette is a premiere counseling training ministry located in Lafayette, IN. Annually they host a counselor training conference in February that is attended by as many as 2,000 attendees.

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  • Faith Resources is a ministry of Faith Church in Lafayette, IN. The great benefit of this bookstore is that they only stock books that have been reviewed for solid content and theological accuracy.

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  • This is a place for a short description of the resource for people who are reading about it for the first time. Just one or two short sentences is enough.

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  • Teen Challenge offers Christ-centered, faith-based solutions to youth, adults, and families who struggle with life-controlling problems. There is a Teen Challenge facility in Elkhart, Indiana.

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  • The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. On the GCC site you will find information on helpful podcasts, articles, discipleship resources and training events.

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